Saturday, June 6, 2009

Free WINE! Opening! Experience!

On Tuesday I went to more auditions. A note to actors choosing monologues: perhaps do not choose Hermione from Winter's Tale or Adam's speech from The Shape of Things. Those two were done a lot. And by a lot, I mean that I probably saw each of them three times in one two-hour morning session. That's about all with the auditions. As with Monday, it was a good experience to see all of the different actors and the monologues.

On Wednesday I spent the entire day at the office in case there was anything needed before the opening that night. There wasn't really anything to do, so all of the interns just read plays. I read Frost/Nixon by Peter Morgan. It's a play about the interviews after Watergate between David Frost and Richard Nixon. It was a very interesting mix of fact and fiction. The thing I thought was most interesting was the narration by different characters throughout, which was just a commentary directed at the audience.

I'm still looking forward to seeing Little Lamb at InterAct again. Apparently the final two scenes were completely cut after the first night of previews because certain things were not making sense. Eventually I'll get to see it!

I'm really looking forward to the rest of the summer. Next week we will choose which plays we're making our casebooks for, and the work will really begin. I'm excited to be BUSY again, what with my job finally about to start, as well as the research and reading I'll still have to do. Other projects are coming up left and right, too! Becky gave us a play which is a work in progress (and has a lot of work left, apparently), and we are going to read it and she will act as the playwright while we discuss ideas and ways to improve it.

Tomorrow I'll be attending a reading the interns were invited to. A lot of people in the industry will be there, and it will probably be yet another great learning experience. I'll write more about it after I go!

Ciao for now!

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