I thought this would be a fun way to keep track of my progress as an intern here in Philadelphia.
It was officially my first day as a literary intern at InterAct Theatre Company. I am so excited that I finally got things underway! Among other things, the main goal of this summer is to read and evaluate submissions InterAct has received, and also to create a case book for one of the four plays they will be putting on next season. The "other things" I speak of are just general office work for some of the other people in the office on computers, filing, or cleaning.
I will be working under the Literary Director, Rebecca Wright. She has been very helpful and informative thus far, and gave each of the four interns one of the plays for next season to read. We will then organize exchanging them between the four of us, read all four plays, and in a couple of weeks will decide which play each person will be creating a case book for. We also were informed of where to find the play submissions we will be reading and evaluating over the summer.
After that, Julie Grega (Audience Services and Sales Manager) helped us to get acquainted with the computer system for our office work, and then David Golston (Director of Marketing and Public Relations) told us a little bit about what he is going to need from us over the course of the summer.
When all of that was said and done, the interns were invited to sit in on a rehearsal for the final show of the season Little Lamb by Michael Whistler. They are in the final week and open the show to the public for a"pay-what-you-can" preview on Thursday (on which day the interns will be cleaning the theatre in preparation for the audience). What I saw of the show so far seemed relevant, well-written, and it made me laugh. It is about a gay couple trying for an interracial adoption. I only saw a very small chunk, so I will write more about the play when I get to see a full run.
Off I go to read When We Go Upon the Sea by Lee Blessing. This is a play by the Pullitzer Prize- and Tony Award-nominated playwright which InterAct theatre has commissioned. More on this later!
Coming soon: 5/28 -- Theatre cleaning day!
6/1 -- First day in the office
ASAP -- Pictures of Gomez, the office cat