Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Almost done!

So, I have 13 days until I get on a plane and head back to Iowa. I can't believe I have less than two weeks! Today is probably my last day at my Qdoba job (thankfully), and I can't wait to just get down to business and be able to completely focus on my casebook. I haven't gotten nearly as much done as I would've hoped to by this point, but I have a fair amount of information collected.

Other than the fact that it's crunch time, there isn't a whole lot that's new. Yesterday I got to sit in auditions for the show they are currently casting about wrestling, ethnicity, America, and capitalism. Yeah, it's a really freaking cool show, to say the very least. I wish I could be in Philly during the run! But alas, that would be rather expensive. Anyway, we sat with the artistic director of the theatre and the director of the show (only one person, by the way), and watched auditions (I even helped run them) and talked in between about what we thought and what he thought. The discoveries were pretty awesome. Most of the people were good, but of course at the end of the day there were only a few (maybe 4 total) people that he may even consider for the two roles, and he still has some people to look at. I learned a lot in that few hours: even more about what makes a good audition monologue and the kinds of things directors look for while casting, and how truly important it is to just go audition even if you know that you're not particularly right for the part. Amongst our talking, I found out how many people he knows in theatres all over the country and realized what a great opportunity I have to get work at so many theatres I would've never even imagined working at before. Amazing. And that's only one person in the office!

I've been getting side work, such as for the two weeks prior to this one, I was babysitting for a family who was working at the PlayPenn conference (new play conference). I knew I was babysitting for an actress and a sound designer/composer, and I knew they were living in New York, but I found out shortly after starting that he has a show opening up on Broadway soon! Way cool. I think he said previews start in October and the show opens up in November, but I don't remember. I didn't talk much to the woman about her work, but I didn't hear anything about Broadway work. Either way, I know they're both working their butts off and working in theatre, which rocks. It was way cool, and their son was fun to be around for two weeks. Now I'm just doing theatre work and cat-sitting for someone in the office while he's on vacation visiting family.

I have two more plays to evaluate for my Philadelphia Young Playwrights stuff. I'm hoping to get that done really soon so that I'm just done worrying about it and can focus on my casebook. Next weekend I'm taking a daytrip to NYC, and I'm SOOO excited! I can't believe I'm so close to leaving and going back to Iowa. It's so weird!