Howdy from Philly!
I got a new camera, so instead of reading the entirety of When We Go Upon the Sea by Lee Blessing, I was taking photos. I did read part of it, however, and discovered that it is wrought with politics. It is about George Bush being on trial for international war crimes and he is hanging out in The Hague while waiting; I don't know how much more political it can get than that. I'm in about 16 pages, and it's definitely on my agenda for tomorrow.
Other than that, today was a theatre cleaning day for the pay-what-you-can preview for Little Lamb by Michael Whistler. This play was commissioned by InterAct Theatre Company, so they have been working with it from the ground up. Actually, they've been changing the script still, and there may be even more changes before the official opening June 3rd. Previews, however, last all this weekend. I didn't get to meet the playwright, but I did sit right in front of him during the preview tonight. I felt a little bit strange, to say the least! The play itself was very well acted, though some spots were shaky with lines. This was probably due to the changes that have been going on. I found myself to be pretty emotionally invested by the end, and I left the theatre with a lot of things to think about. Little Lamb is about a gay couple who are trying to adopt a baby, and the things they go through during the process. Learn more about it here!
Cleaning the theatre was not very extensive and took a very short amount of time with four people. We vacuumed, mopped, cleaned windows and bathrooms...the basics. Monday is when I'll have my first work day in the office, and I'm not really sure what to expect. I think it will be pretty relaxed because they're still probably going to be working on getting the show opened. After that, however, I expect to do lots of different things in the office. Then again, I don't really know.
I'm really excited about getting to know the girls I'm working with this summer! They all seem very nice and we all are from different schools, so I'm sure that sharing our experiences will be really interesting. One girl goes to Florida State University, one to Syracuse, and the other goes to NYU. The season intern I met graduated from college in France, and she is a very interesting girl, as well. Hopefully I'll get to spend some quality time with them over the course of the next couple of months.
Beyond all of that, I'm really looking forward to seeing all Philadelphia has to offer. I haven't had a Philly Cheese Steak yet; I'm waiting to go to one of the really famous places! There are good ways to save money seeing shows and going to museums, so I'm hoping to get in on some of those very soon, too! The photos I've attached to this post are just a couple I've taken with my new, awesome, green camera.
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